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What Version of AccountEdge is Installed on AccountEdge Hosted

When you sign up for an AccountEdge Hosted account, your cloud desktop comes pre-installed with the latest version of AccountEdge. If you were an existing AccountEdge customer, your serial number will be updated to ensure if matches the version of AccountEdge which is installed.

If you are coming from an older version of AccountEdge, when you migrate your file to your cloud desktop, you will need to upgrade your company file just as you would if you purchased and installed an upgrade. You can follow the upgrade instructions found in the How to Upgrade guide.

Over time, as new versions are released, you can purchase an upgrade and install the software as you would in the past but doing so on your cloud desktop. If you're a subscriber of the the Payroll Tax Service, you receive upgrades and payroll tax updates as part of your service and can install the upgrade when it becomes available to you. We'll notify you as we normally would providing you with a link to download your software.