Feature Archive
Haven't upgraded in a while? Here are features we've added to AccountEdge.
- My Account Feature: Automatically populates the serial number field during registration.
- Employee Deduction Enhancements: Include a deduction type and state specification to improve Payroll Forms reporting for State Paid Medical Family Leave.
Performance Improvements: Enhanced speed for accessing Recents and Favorites.
- T4 Electronic Filing: Added Transmitter Representative Identifier. This is only required if logged in using Represent a client (RAC) application. Also updated the URL for the file transfer site, as it has changed.
- New Additions: Boxes 16A and 27A are now included on both the T4 Slip and T4 Summary.
- Update: Box 80 on the T4 Summary has been updated to include oxes 16A and 27A.
2024 - AccountEdge release 33.0.x
- WebMail: Send emails without an email client (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo). For setup instructions, view our tutorial.
- My Account Feature: Automatically populates the serial number field during registration.
UI Enhancements:
- Changed the color of the Receive Money and Bank Register Receive Money windows to green.
- Added a Department Field to Bank Register Quick Entry sections.
- Added Diagnostic Tools under File Menu options. Please click "About Diagnostic Tools" for more important information on this tool.
- Analyze Inventory Module and Report Performance Improvements.
- When converting an Order with a deposit to an Invoice, the memo now includes the Customer Name.
- Net Pay field has been added to the Payroll Activity Summary and Payroll Register Summary reports.
- eDynamo EMV Card Swiper and Dynamag Card Swiper support added.
- UPS OAuth Changes added.
- When processing payroll, AccountEdge will now remember payroll dates per session (Payment Date, Pay Period Start, Pay Period End).
- AccountEdge now reads the System Preference for Date, Time, and Metric/English.
Updated Forte Checkout process.
- Added Audit Trail entries for Starting a New Fiscal Year, Starting a New Payroll Year, Purging General Journal Entries, and when the Purge Date is updated.
- When Purging Closed Invoices or Purchases, AccountEdge will display a results dialog showing what was purged and what was not purged and why.
Added 'Tax Code' to all addresses when Importing/Exporting Cards.
- Added Marital Status of 'Married, filing Separately' for Medicare changes.
- Added Advanced Load Handling that will turn off batch in an attempt to avoid memory issues for large reports.
- Made the highlight color a darker blue so it is more visible.
- Added Reselect Support Folder option.
- Added a Clean Install option.
- Added the ability to Reverse Transactions in a Changeable file.
- Added the ability to Copy a different Employee timesheet.
- Added Sortable Columns to Forms windows.
- Added 'Customer Credit Limit and Hold' report.
- Added a Credit/Debit function in Receive Payments/Pay Bills.
- Added a new preference for 'New Sale/Purchase Default'.
- Added functionality to not change the Transaction Journal tab, if it is already open.
- Added a Date Range Filter to the Sales Register Credits and Purchases Register Debits Tab.
- Added a Default Deposit To/Pay From Account option for Customers and Vendors.
- Added a Linked Document column to the Sales Register: All Sales report and Purchases Register: All Purchases report.
- Added a new preference to display individual card names as Last Name, First Name.
- Added 'Include Inactive Employee' checkbox to the Employee Payroll Reports.
- Enhanced performance of the Auto Build window.
When printing Sales and Purchases, it will display zero dollar amounts, instead of displaying blank.
Changes to the AccountEdge user interface;
- Updated Color Palette
- New Command Center Icons
- New Command Center Tabs
- New Command Center Buttons
- New Command Center Button Color Picker
- New Arrows, Bullets, and Other Buttons
- Larger Forms Customization Graphics
- Other New Graphic Elements:
- Calendar, Magnifying Glass, Commissions, and Serial Number Icons
- UPS® Logo
- Paid and Void Stamps
- Welcome Window
- Easy Setup Assistant
- New 'Gear' Icon with Command Center Access to Preferences
- New App Icon for Mac
- New Widgets Inc. Sample Company Graphics for Cards and Items
'How to Upgrade' link on the Welcome window
We've added a link on the Welcome Window to open the latest Knowledge Base article on upgrading.
Upgrade & Open option to easily upgrade your last opened company file
From the Welcome window, let AccountEdge Open & Upgrade your most recent company file.
Automatically upgrade custom forms and reports
When opening a custom report or form from a previous version, AccountEdge will automatically upgrade it.
Easier Upgrading Process
Use Auto Upgrade to upgrade your file keeping the same location and name
Use Manual Upgrade to select the location and name for your upgraded file
Default the save as file name to append v27.0 and remove v26.0
When running the upgrader from the Company File Maintenance window, Open or reveal option at the end of the upgrade process
New Preferences (Preferences>Windows)
When Using Look For Option in Select from Lists, Automatically Select List Entry while Typing.
Tab Moves Keyboard Focus Between Text Boxes and Lists Only (so you won’t tab through the controls).
A new Preference has been added to allow Mac users to bypass tabbing to controls. This Preference has been added so that focus only goes between the edit field and the scroll area.
AccountEdge Network Edition
Reduce the number of server calls to improve performance
Added Recent windows list to the sidebar in Network Edition
Local Verification so other users can log back in and continue working
Select from List changes
Added enhanced search to the following Select from Lists.
Activity Select from List
Item Number/Activity
A new column has been added to show Item or Activity
Two new buttons have been added for New Item and New Activity
All Select from Lists have been made resizeable and we will save the window size.
Import/Export Changes
Streamlined Export file names making them simpler
Streamlined the Import and Export menu options
Auto-Build Changes
You can now Import/Export Auto Build Items
You can now Import/Export Build Item Transactions
Save the size of the main window (AccountEdge for Mac)
We'll now save the size of the main window behind the command center.
Add reconciled column in the Bank Register
The bank register has a new column, which is sortable, where transactions that have been reconciled will be defined with a checkmark.
Command W to Close the window
Mac users rejoice!
Improved performance of scrolling in list windows
Enhanced Log File Detail
To aid tech support in gathering program and datafile stats additional detail has been added to the AccountEdge log file
Promised Date on Forms
We've added the Promised Date field to our forms tool when customizing Sales and Purchases forms
New Sales Preference "Warn if a Tax State is not selected"
A new system-wide sales preference was added to warn you if do not select a Tax State enabling you to keep better records for sales tax reporting.
Multiple Direct Deposit Accounts per Employee
The ability to divide a paycheck into multiple bank accounts has been added for direct deposit. Up to three direct deposit accounts can be added to an employee's Payment Details.
Changes in Balance Sheet reports
The following reports have been modified to reflect the Balance Sheet as of a point in time. They include:
Standard Balance Sheet
Multi-Period Spreadsheet
Multi-Year Spreadsheet
Multi-Period Budget Spreadsheet
Added Middle Initial for Employees and other Card Types
An individual's middle initial can now be entered in the Card Information window and is visible in the Card List window, Process Payroll, the Paycheck window, Print Paystubs, and can be used when creating tax forms.
Improved browsing and connection to FileConnect using the FileConnectBrowser
A new utility program for AccountEdge Network Edition called FileConnect Browser was added that looks for FileConnects running on the network making it easier to locate local servers.
Zapier and AccountEdge Connect
Zapier allows you to link AccountEdge Connect with thousands of web apps to create custom workflows using your accounting data.
Microsoft Power BI and AccountEdge
Create graphs, charts, maps and more with the latest data from your AccountEdge company file. Use filters to visualize changes in data sets by date, customer, vendor, item or any other field.
Custom Transaction IDs
Customize your sales and purchases transaction IDs. Available in AccountEdge 2022 and later.
Square and AccountEdge
Import customers and paid Square transactions into AccountEdge. Available in AccountEdge 2022 and later.
Reset Item Prices on Open Quotes
From the quotes screen, include activities for item/time invoices.
Show totals in All Sales and All Purchases tabs on registers screens.
Access Recurring Transaction Reminders from the To Do List window after launch
Use AccountEdge print driver by default
Log out user from File Connect
Password Reset with Code from Support
Save the Last Selected Column and Sort Direction on the following windows
Receive Payments (Mac and Windows)
Pay Bills (Mac and Windows)
Sales Register (Windows)
Purchases Register (Windows)
Cards List (Windows)
Find Transactions (Windows)
Bank Register (Windows)
Prepare Bank Deposit (Mac and Windows)
Reconcile Accounts (Windows)
Items Register (Windows)
Items List (Windows)
To Do List (Windows)
VAT Reconciliation (Mac and Windows)
Sales Tax Code Per Line Item
Choose a unique sales tax code per line item on a sale or purchase transaction. For example, you may sell items that require different tax codes on the same sales invoice. Include all those items on the same transaction without having to create separate sales.
Open Recent Company Files
If you have more than one Company File, switching between them is now easier and faster. Open a different company while in an existing file or from the Welcome window by selecting Recents under the File menu in AccountEdge, then select from the 10 most recent Company Files. Company Files will be listed by their file name.
Allow Text as a Check Number
We’ve made it easier to record ATM, Venmo, PayPal or other direct withdrawals from your banking accounts. Now you can use letters in the Check # field instead of numbers. For example, if you use your ATM card to make withdrawals, when you record those transactions in the Spend Money window you can use “ATM” as the Check #. Any text entered will not be checked for duplicates making repeated transactions easier to record.
Making Copies
When copying an invoice we’ll pre-populate the default customer name onto the new sales transaction. When copying a bill we’ll pre-populate the default vendor name onto the new purchase transaction.
1099 Enhancements with Aatrix
Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation, has been added for reporting independent contractor payments. eFile or Print your 1099-MISC and 1099-NEC through the Forms Viewer.
To Do List Changes
In the A/P To Do List window, selecting multiple bills to pay will display the total amount being paid. -
In the Expiring Discounts window, selecting multiple transactions will display the total amount being paid.
Select the specific banking account to pay from.
64-bit Windows
AccountEdge for Windows now supports the 64-bit architecture, including support for 64-bit versions of MS Office and Outlook.
Announcing Bank Feeds
Automatically import bank and credit card transactions from over 12,000 financial institutions. Connect your checking and credit card accounts in AccountEdge to your checking, savings and credit card providers. Reconcile quicker, easier and more often. Monthly subscription required. Learn more about AccountEdge bank feeds.
New Sales Tax Features
Need to report and file sales tax in multiple states? Our new set of sales tax reports let you filter by state, choose all states, and include sales without a state associated with them.
Quickly analyze your state-by-state sales to see in which states you need to file taxes with these new reports:
Sales Tax by State Summary
Sales Tax by State Detail
Sales Tax by State Summary (Cash)
Sales Tax by State Detail (Cash)
Longer Tax Codes
It’s easier to manage your tax requirements with longer tax codes. If you have many sales tax regions and codes to keep tabs on, we’ve extended the character limit to 10 characters, which will even let you name your tax codes for more easier identification.
Tax Code Default per Card Address
Assign a unique tax code to each of the five available address records on customer and vendor cards. This way, if you are shipping to an address that is taxed differently, the appropriate tax code will populate your sales and purchases. By default, the tax code you have associated with a customer or vendor will automatically be applied to all five addresses.
Use Tax
Depending on where you live, you may be required to track and pay sales tax on purchases where a vendor did not apply tax on that purchase. This type of tax code doesn’t add tax to the transaction, but tracks the tax that you would owe for Use Tax. Sales tax reports include a new section that breaks out purchases for which you may owe Use Tax.
Sales Tax Report Tab
All sales tax reports have moved to their own unique Sales Tax tab in the Index to Reports, making it easier to find and manage all fourteen reports.
Tax Exception Report
Find mistakes on transactions where tax has been applied incorrectly with the Tax Exception report. This report lists where you (or someone else using AccountEdge) changed the tax code on sales and purchases transactions.
Transaction Tax Codes Report
Identify transactions whose tax code changed from the default, grouped by income account, on a line-by-line basis. This report shows the debits and credits to each account –– by line –– and the entered and default tax code used.
Tax Information Reconciliation Detail and Summary Reports
If a transaction was created mistakenly using the tax liability account, this report compares tax collected to the linked sales tax liability account for a given period of time to identify any discrepancies.
Online Customer Orders (AccountEdge Connect)
Customers can place a Sales Order via AccountEdge Connect’s customer portal. You can use the Connect to choose which items are available, which customers are permitted to place sales orders, and require a credit card payment or other payment option. Price levels, quantity discounts, and customer item discounts are automatically applied based on the customer and item being sold.
Mass Emailing of Statements (AccountEdge Connect)
Send customizable statements to customers by group. Email those with overdue balances, or those overdue by a chosen number of days. And if you process credit card payments, using the customer portal will send customers an email with a Pay Now button included for easier customer payments.
Customer Payment Details Report
Track down payments and determine which invoices a customer paid off with the new Customer Payment Details report. It lists each payment received and which sale the payment was applied to, across a date range. Filter by date, customer, amount, payment ID Number, and many other fields.
Vendor Payments Details Report
Similar to the Customer Payment Detail report, this new report lists payments which you have made to Vendors, and includes which Bills the payment was applied to. Filter by date range, vendor, session date, Check/Trans ID number, amount range, and more.
Default Forms Setup
Set default forms of your choosing for transactions such as Quotes, Orders, Invoices, and more.
Past Due Stamp
A new custom field called Past Due stamp is available on sales forms. Add this field to your form and print or email an invoice. If the sale is overdue according to the terms you have set up for the customer, the new Past Due stamp appears on the form. This is a great way to resend overdue invoices to let the customer know they need to make a (late) payment.
Custom Phone Field Labels
Assign labels to specific contact numbers in the Card File. Choose from Mobile, Home, Work, or create your own label to help differentiate numbers on a contact card.
Shipping Fields for Forms
Add additional fields to your sales forms including invoices, orders, and packing slips to include shipping information. These fields correspond to those in the Shipping Details window on a sale. The new fields include are:
Sales Tax by State Summary
Sales Tax by State Detail
Sales Tax by State Summary (Cash)
Sales Tax by State Detail (Cash)
To Do List Stock Alert
Easily reorder low inventory from the Stock tab. Found in the To Do List, see items that are in need of reorder by Item Name and Item Number.
Faster Loading of the Find Transactions and Items Register Windows
The Find Transaction window and the Items Register both load twice as fast in AccountEdge 2020, which will be welcome news for businesses that with large items lists, lots of inventory-related transactions, and/or otherwise have large company files.
2020 W-4 Changes
For 2020 a new checkbox for W-4 Step 2 is included on Employee payroll records on the Employee Payroll Detail Taxes tab. This new option is for those who have a second job or a spouse with a job. Once checked, a different set of tax tables/formulas are used for Federal taxes.
Save Custom Notes on Sales and Purchases
The Notes that you add to Sales and Purchases can now be saved for future use, and optionally printed on your forms. For example, if you add standard language like Terms and Conditions to many transactions, just add the Notes field to your custom forms to have these notes on your printed or PDF sales and purchases.
Find Deposit Transaction From a Receive Payment
Use the new drill down arrow on Receive Payment, Receive Money or Refund Transaction to go directly to its original Prepare Bank Deposit transaction.
Sortable Columns on Prepare Bank Deposit
Sort the Transaction ID, Date, Memo, Payment Method and Amount columns on the Prepare Bank Deposit window to quickly find and select receipts to deposit.
New Columns on Customer & Vendor Payments Windows
The Receive Payments and Pay Bills windows now feature sortable columns including Invoice #, Status, Date, Amount, etc., to make it easier to find an invoice or bill to pay. Windows resize for wider columns showing fuller content.
Pre-filled Payment Amounts
While viewing an open sale or purchase, select the Receive Payment or Pay Bill option to open transaction windows with the amount pre-filled and applied to the sale or purchase # you are viewing.
Easy Access to Credit Limit and Hold Option
Click the new drill down arrow next to a customer’s credit limit to view and edit the Credit Limit, Available Credit and Past Due Amount, and change the Credit Hold status. Read-Only access is available.
Set User Access Permissions to Buying and Selling Details
Set permissions by user to the Selling Details and Buying Details tabs that include critical credit information. You can also set Read Only access to the Credit Limit and Hold window so only specified users have the ability to change the limit and credit hold status.
Sales Tax Rate Out to 5 Decimals
Sales Tax Rates can be set to 5 decimals to support states that are implementing longer sales tax rates.
Filter on Last Transaction Date
If you’re looking for a list of customers with whom you haven’t done business since a certain date, you can now filter in the Card File for a payment or a sale by the last transaction date. You can also find lapsed customers by filtering on the Card List Detail and Summary reports, and within the Email function in the Card File Command Center for sending emails or promotions. The filter is also available on a vendor’s last transaction date for a payment or a purchase.
Filter Statements by Overdue
When on the Print/Email Statements window, you can select only customers who have an overdue amount, and email or print statements for this group.
Jobs Status Filter on Jobs Reports
Most Jobs Reports now filter by Status so that you can run them to report only on jobs completed, or for jobs in progress or any of your other Statuses.
Date Filtering on Registers
The Register windows, including the Sales Register, Bank Register, Transaction Journal and more, have new date filtering options including Month to Date, Year to Date, This Quarter, This Month, Last Month, This Quarter, Next Quarter, This Year, Last Year or Customer Year.
Business Insight Reports
A new series of reports provide insight into the health of your business including analysis into number of days to collect your accounts receivable, by month and compared to last year, what your inventory turnover is, gross profit margin ratio analysis and more. Reports include: Gross Profit Margin Ratio, Operating Profit Ratio, Net Profit to Sales Ratio, Accounts Receivable Days, Accounts Payable Days, Current Ratio and Profitability Ratios.
Customer Portal
The Customer Portal is a web site where your customers can log in to view their open receivables, make credit card payments against open sales, update their credit card information, view online payment history, and if you allow, apply available credits to open invoices. If you have an AccountEdge Merchant Account, your customers can pay you online in the customizable Portal. Otherwise, they can view their open receivables.
Process Credit Cards in Bulk
Easily process credit cards in bulk using AccountEdge Connect. From the new Bulk Payments window, view all open receivables and invoices (from desktop or Connect) and manage all aspects of bulk processing. No more authorizing each credit card payment one by one by one. Save hours by Approving All payments, then hitting a single button to process all payments. Send bulk email payment confirmations and handle the inevitable failed payments or expiring credit cards with bulk email capabilities as well. You can update credit cards yourself, or your customers can update their own credit cards through the Customer Portal.
Recurring Billing
This is your go-to feature for creating multiple invoices on a schedule to be automatically recorded in bulk. These sales can be identical across customers or may contain services or items that vary in amount or quantity by month. AccountEdge Connect makes it easy to create and manage your recurring invoices with a Recurring Sales window that displays all of your recurring sales by customer, along with their items and quantities.
Creating and Syncing Applied Credits
Credits can be created in either AccountEdge or AccountEdge Connect. They will all appear in AccountEdge Connect. You can now apply the credit to an open receivable within AccountEdge Connect as well. The Applied Credit transaction will sync down to your company file.
Web Pay Statements
Send Statements from AccountEdge Pro with an optional Pay Now link in the email and on your custom statement form. Use a Web Pay Statement with a URL to the Customer Portal, directing your customer to pay you online. They can then either log in or create an account to continue using the Customer Portal.
New Jobs Window
A larger Jobs window includes tabs for Profile, Details, Budget Analysis, Transactions and Activity Slips for in-depth and at-hand information. The window is now scalable as well.
Easier Job Budgeting and Analysis
The new Budget Analysis tab adds $, % and Up & Down arrows for easier functionality and allows you to edit your budget amounts for the Job as well as calculate and display your adjusted budget and compare to actuals, all in one window.
Job Status
Customize your job status to see what’s in progress, pending, completed, on hold, or whatever you choose.
View All Tracked Time for a Job
The Jobs List window now includes a tab for Activity Slips, displaying any tracked time that is tied to a job, and allowing you to drill into the Activity Slip or print out the list as a report.
Related Transactions for Jobs
A new Transactions tab in the Jobs information window gives you easy access to a list of all transactions related to each Job, including quotes, and viewable in summary or detail.
Search for Jobs
Search for Jobs by number, name and linked customer from the Jobs List window.
Promise Date
You can enter a Promise Date on a Job as an easy reminder of completion schedules.
Jobs With Linked Customers
When creating a sale to a customer that has a single Job associated with it, the Job Number will automatically be assigned to each line of a transaction, which can be removed or overwritten.
Custom Lists and Fields for Jobs
Add 3 Custom Lists and 3 Custom Fields to better track your Jobs. Define the List names and List members, as well as the Field names. Use your Custom Lists as filters for Job reports.
Jobs Address and Contact Information
Now include address and contact information for a Job from a Linked Customer address and phone number, or by manually entering it. This would be helpful if your Jobs are associated with a Job Site or Job Location.
Purging Jobs
A new option to Purge Jobs is helpful for removing unused, older Jobs from a large list. When purging jobs, the selected job will be deleted and removed from all transactions.
Jobs Notes
A Notes field is added to Jobs, in addition to the Description field.
Job Transactions Summary Report
The new Jobs Transactions Summary report provides a list of transactions, including quotes and orders, associated with selected Jobs. Filter on Transaction Type and Sale and Purchase Status.
Item Kits
An easy way to sell a group of items, Item Kits lets you sell a Kit comprised of different items, without having to inventory the items.
Item Window Changes
The Item Information window now displays the Item Number and Item Name at the top of the window so that it can be seen no matter which tab you are viewing.
Copy Auto-Build From
If you’re regularly creating Auto-Build Items, you can now use “Copy Auto-Build From” to create an Auto Build item with the same details and components of another Auto Build item. You can also simply copy the component items to use on an existing auto-build item.
New Scalable Windows
Scaling windows will enlarge the columns, enabling you to see longer item names and numbers. The Jobs Detail, Count Inventory, Transaction Journal and Prepare Time Billing Activity Log windows are now resizable and scalable.
Scalable/Sortable Windows (Win. only)
The following windows are scalable so that the columns will increase in width for viewing more information. Clicking the column header will also sort the columns of these windows: Find Transactions, Bank Register, Sales Register, Purchases Register, Items Register, Reconcile window, To Do List, Cards List, and Items List. Feature exists on Mac.
Find Account by Name or Number
When selecting an account on transactions, you can now search by Account Number or Account Name and use Starts With/Contains filters.
Searchable Accounts List
The Accounts List window is also now searchable. You can search for an account by name or number as well as Starts With/Contains filters.
Search by Contact
You can now search by Contact on the Cards List and also from the Search From List on transactions, making it easier to identify an unknown or forgotten company name when you know the contact’s name.
Paid Stamp
A Paid Stamp is now a custom field on your Sales forms and will appear on printed and PDF Sales forms, positioned where you like. This helps to avoid confusion when re-sending a copy of a paid invoice to a client, for example.
Add Notes on Bank Reconciliation & Payments
When reconciling a bank account, you now have the ability to add a note with the reconciliation. These notes are available on the Reconciliation Report when displayed or printed.
Calendar Events & Reminders (Mac Only)
When recording transactions, you can once again create a calendar event in the macOS Calendar app, such as a reminder of when a payment for a sale is due. You can also create a reminder from the Card File.
Deleting Deposits
Going forward, you’ll be able to edit or delete the deposit payment after an order has been converted into an invoice, allowing you to also then delete the Sale if needed.
Web Pay Direct Pay Option
You now have the option to let your customers pay you online without having them create a Web Pay Direct account. Enable this option on the Connect customer record, and they can make a direct payment for that invoice.
Faster Bank Register
The Bank Register loads and sorts faster to accommodate displaying a large number of transactions. It also scrolls more quickly as you move down the list.
Refreshed OfficeLink Templates
The OfficeLink Excel reports are more attractive with updated fonts and font sizes.
Attachments on Bank Deposits
You can now attach documents, such as a bank statement, when using Prepare Bank Deposit.
Calendar Icon
The date fields now have a calendar for faster selection of your dates.
One Click Email
Click the new email icon on the Contact Card to more quickly create an email.
Faster Network Edition
The Items Register, Sales Register and Purchases Register will now load and sort faster for Network Edition.
UPS® Shipping Integration
Create shipments from an AccountEdge sales transaction or card. Manage multiple shipping profiles and UPS accounts. Send email notifications, print labels, track and void shipments, schedule a UPS pickup and more. Learn more.
Robust Emailing
Emailing invoices, purchase orders, statements, payment receipts and attachments just got much more robust with these new features:
Create email templates using merge tags, such as customer name, amount due, transaction ID and many more.
Add CC and BCC email addresses. Choose and send additional attachments.
Include additional email addresses and choose an email address from any AccountEdge Card, or enter an email address.
Send emails in bulk to any of your Cards using the new email templates. Announce promotions, holiday hours, etc.
Open and view the email in your email client instead of it being automatically sent.
Flexible Paid Today
Choose the account to receive money into or pay money out of when using Paid Today on Sales and Purchases. Set your own payment transaction number and memo, or use the default. You’ll also love how the amount auto populates into Paid Today when you click into the field.
Notes Field on All Transactions
Add a Note to all transactions with the new Add Note button. This helps you remember why you created a particular Journal Entry, for example, or why you adjusted inventory. The Notes field can be added to appropriate reports and to check stubs and other transactions.
Check Number Field
Acclivity co-founder, Scott Davisson, uses AccountEdge to manage his son’s soccer club and requested that the Check # field be present on Receive Money and Customer Payments without having to drill into Details. Apparently, the extra click has been driving him crazy. If you agree, then this is the upgrade for you.
Customer Credit Shown on Sale
When creating a sale, you’ll now see the total credits available for that customer directly on the sales screen. When recording the invoice you’ll be asked if you would like to apply the credit to that sale or choose to apply it to other open invoices.
Email Payment Receipts
Email a payment receipt to your customers, regardless of payment method, either at the time of a sale or after using Receive Payments. Use the new email to include customized information with merge tags and send to additional email addresses.
Departments and Jobs
When categorizing imported bank transactions, apply departments to transactions as well as split amounts across multiple departments. Set up rules for departments and jobs so that future imported bank transactions will automatically be set.
Forecasting with Recurring Sales
The Cash Flow report now includes recurring sales in forecasting cash, which provides a more accurate estimation of your financial situation at a point in time. In addition, recurring sales and purchases will no longer show on the To-Do List if they don’t have a set frequency, and only relevant fields are displayed when you use the radio buttons.
Additions to the Pay Stub Fields
Your company address and phone number and the employee’s pay basis are now available to be added to the pay stub.
Get Paid Online
Web Pay lets you email invoices containing a payment link, allowing customers to pay you online. Learn more.
Lead Tracking
You can create and track leads. Convert leads to customers and track their status as well as the source of the lead. New reports show how long it took to convert leads and more.
New Look and Feel
We’ve updated the look of the Sales & Purchases windows to streamline our most important data entry screens. They are resizable and much easier to read. Along the way we’ve tweaked the fonts and layout of many other windows.
New Profitability reports show the profitability of items, customers and activities.
Create Copy
Create a template based on an existing sale or quote with the details from the original by choosing “Create Copy.”
Void Check
Void any kind of check and mark it as reconciled. Transaction journals and recaps will show the transaction as void. The memo field is updated on each transaction.
Purge Quotes
Purge quotes and lead records that didn’t convert to sales and are no longer needed.
Historical Reports
Start building seven years of Profit and Loss reports and Balance Sheets. A new Multi-Year Spreadsheet report displays year–over–year comparisons in columns.
Search by Card
The Bank Register lets you search by Card in order to see all bank transactions associated with a vendor, customer, etc.
Full Service Payroll
Our online payroll service includes a new design to make payroll data entry, processing and reporting easier and faster with less steps.
Reset System Date
If you’ve left AccountEdge running overnight, it will ask if you want to update the date when you resume using the program.
New Fields & Filters
The Card Summary and Card Detail Report include custom fields for Customer/Vendor/Lead Since, Lead Status and Lead Source. Filter by Customer/Vendor/Lead Since depending on the Card Type selected.
Advanced Filtering
Use advanced filters to search the Bank Register and the Sales and Purchases Registers.
Updated Job Report
Updated Job Exception Report displays lines of sales that are only partially allocated to ensure that you have allocated appropriately.
Add Department
Add a department onto a Bank Deposit transaction so that you can apply a department to bank fees and overages, as well as cash back.
Apply Departments
Apply departments to lines on Inventory Adjustments, as well as split a transaction line across multiple Departments.
Auto-populate your Customer Since and Lead Since date. When new customers are created, the software will set either the Customer Since or Lead Since date so you know how long a customer has been with you.
Filter by Card Type
Filter by Card Type in the Bank Register, as well as a source journal, check number, amount to/from and Memo & Payee.
Partial Job Alerts
When a job is partially allocated, “Partial” is displayed in the job field on sales lines, etc., as well as on reports.
Delete Warning
A confirmation warning message appears before anything is mistakenly deleted.
Back and Next
Use new back and next arrows on the Sales & Purchases window to flip through your transactions.
Serialized Inventory
Serialized inventory brings a thousands-of-dollars feature set to small and medium sized businesses at an affordable price. Resellers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and other item-based businesses can track serial numbers from purchase through sale, and beyond with warranty tracking.
Flexible, 40-character maximum, alpha-numeric serial number creation
Choose a serial number to sell while creating an invoice
Add serial numbers to items at purchase, or during the sale process
Attach a warranty to a serial number. It will activate when you sell an item. Check if warranties are valid via a serial number report
Commission Tracking
With commission tracking, you can choose a fixed percentage or amount as a commission, or create a custom rate per item or per activity. Assign your commission rates by salesperson and add them to invoices. Choose whether to pay commissions based on sale date or payment, and add the payment to a paycheck, or cut a check separately.
Calculate salesperson commissions on sales transactions
Create commission rate levels as a fixed percentage, fixed amount, or using a custom rate
Custom rates can be calculated as a percentage, by amount, or by a percentage of the margin per item/activity
Add vendors to invoices as a salesperson
AccountEdge Connect Direct Sync
Sync AccountEdge Pro directly with AccountEdge Connect without using Dropbox. Transactions and changes made in Connect are automatically uploaded, and synced when you open AccountEdge desktop and choose to sync.
Sync times will be faster and more efficient after the initial sync. Direct Sync requires AccountEdge Pro 2014 or later.
AccountEdge Connect new features
Convert quotes to orders to invoices
Price changes in AccountEdge Pro affect quotes in AccountEdge Connect
When payments are applied and synced in Pro, the amount due in Connect is automatically updated
When selecting items, inventory levels are synced and displayed, with immediate notification if there is not enough inventory on hand for sale
When tracking and billing for time, commission rate levels – including custom levels – are synced and applied
Create and add serial numbers to sales in Connect
Add headers, subtotals and blank lines on sales
Email customers directly from the customer list or customer record
New email preferences include: alias, reply-to, cc:, and email signature
Hide inactives
You now have the option to Hide Inactive on various lists including Cards, Items, Retainers and Jobs List.
1099 preparation made easier
Filter by 1099 Category (e.g. Royalty, Rent) when preparing 1099s
Filter by amount range when choosing vendors for 1099 printing to limit 1099s to those that are required (e.g. those over $600)
Total 1099-Misc Payments amount and the number of vendors selected is now viewable on the Review 1099/1096 window to review prior to printing
After printing 1099s, your filters and selections will be carried over to prepare your 1096 form
1099 Final Information report contains the 1099 details by vendor
Shopify inventory sync
Now sync inventory levels with Shopify. Allocate a quantity that you wish to reserve for AccountEdge to ensure you have stock on-hand locally and then allocate an amount to sell on Shopify.
Job reporting & splitting jobs
Allocate an amount to multiple jobs on a single transaction line. For example, pay your lawn care bill and allocate a portion of your payment to each of your properties. Allocate across multiple jobs by amount or percent.
Invoice & Purchase PDF naming
When emailing sales and purchases, PDF attachment file names will now reference the invoice and purchase numbers (instead of eSale.pdf).
Departments on time sheets
Allocate employee time/cost to departments via Time Sheets. Also split the time between multiple departments. The department allocations will flow to Process Payroll and can be saved and split within Recurring Pay.
Split Departments by Percentage
When allocating a line to a department you will now be able to split the amount using a percentage vs needing to calculate each dollar amount.
Adding Vendors to Invoices as a Salesperson
If you hire subcontractors to perform a sales role, you now have the option to include vendors in the Salesperson list when creating sales. On a Vendor card you can select (under Card Details) the Commissionable Salesperson check box. Even if you're not using the Commission feature in AccountEdge, you can check this box so that you can select this vendor as a salesperson on a sale.
Logging Out Active Users (AccountEdge Network Edition Only)
Administrator users can now view active users in a company file and log them out gracefully. This is helpful if a user’s computer falls asleep while connected to a company file, when you might need to perform a single user task like starting a new fiscal year or if you can't turn off FileConnect because users are still connected. This is performed via File/Active Workstations (by an administrator user only).
Transaction Journal - All Transactions Faster
The "All" tab in the Transaction Journal has been optimized to generate faster when viewing All Transactions.
Import/Export Transactions with Split Multiple Department/Job Allocations
Transactions that have lines split between multiple jobs or departments can now be imported/exported.
Consolidated Journal Entries
When recording sales and purchases, journal entry lines will be consolidated into a single line (when the same account is being used). If different jobs are used, the term "Split” is displayed to indicate that the line covers multiple jobs. The result is smaller journal entries, especially with long sales with multiple lines, which in turn decreases company file size over time.
Shopify Integration
Create your store at shopify.com.
Introduced AccountEdge Connect
AccountEdge Connect lets you, your employees or your contractors add data to AccountEdge wherever they are, without giving them access to your books.
Departments and Profit Centers
Departmental accounting is here. If you've been using Jobs or Categories to assign transactions to departments, now you can have true departmental tracking on a line-item basis.
Combine Items
Combine duplicate or similar items into one. This feature helps you keep your items list clean and organized by moving all item attributes and transactions into one item.
Product Variations
Create variations for an item (sizes and colors, etc.,), and then create values for each variation, giving you the ability to track and sell your items with much greater detail and precision.
Improved Jobs Reporting
Filter your job reports to span fiscal years. Include financial information on job reports from the previous, current, or next fiscal year. Simply choose your date range, even if it includes two fiscal years.
Returns and Credit Memos
It’s one step to create a credit memo from a sales invoice using the new create credit memo button. As a new sales transaction type, you can also choose credit memo from the type drop-down or sync them from Shopify to settle them in AccountEdge.
Rerun Integration
Rerun is subscription and membership billing made easy. It gives your customers or clients an easy, online payment method for recurring subscription or membership billing, and integrates with AccountEdge.
Document Management
Attach files to records in AccountEdge, including documents, images and scans. Bookkeepers can scan bills and invoices from vendors and attach to purchases or expense transactions. Salespeople might attach a signed service agreement to an invoice. Accountants may attach I9 forms to an employee record.
Retainers, Escrow and Trust Accounts
Create Trust, Escrow and Retainer accounts. AccountEdge’s retainer feature comes with time-saving usability updates to create Retainer, Escrow and Trust accounts, including linking bank accounts, writing checks directly from these accounts, and easily transferring funds into and out of these accounts.
Improved Bank Statement Import
Importing and reconciling bank statements is more streamlined and intuitive with the new Bank Statement Import. The new "worksheet" acts as a middle-man between import and reconciliation to improve the workflow of dealing with bank statements. Plus, rules can be created to look for and match transactions.
Batch Delete
If you've been using AccountEdge for a few years, you've probably accumulated some contact cards or items that are no longer needed. New Batch Delete will help you clean up your card lists. Select multiple cards or items and delete them in a batch with a single mouse click.
Expanded Tax Code Field
If your state has multiple tax jurisdictions and authorities, or if you need to create tax codes for multiple states, now you can create tax codes up to 5 characters in length, up from 3 in earlier versions of AccountEdge.
Change Orders
If you create estimates for clients, you probably need to deal with changes to the estimate during the process. The new Change Orders feature tracks what changed on your estimate and lets you keep notes on why a change was made.
Sales & Purchases Notes
Add notes to sales and purchase orders. If you want to make notes on quotes, orders, or invoices about sales or purchase details, now there's a notes field where you can do so.
Billing Rate Reports
If you bill for time, there are three new reports waiting for you: Bill Rate Level Summary, Bill Rate Level Detail, and Card Detail.
Updated Financial Statements
Financial statements – including Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet reports – have been redesigned to make them cleaner and easier to read.
Employee Mileage Logs
Update to AccountEdge’s mileage feature lets you choose to track mileage by vehicle or employee. You can also set multiple rates for mileage entries. Track your company mileage with the new vehicle and employee mileage logs.
Track your mileage
Whether you depreciate your vehicle, reimburse for mileage, or bill your clients for miles driven, you can use AccountEdge to track your mileage. Add your vehicles to the vehicle list, then enter the starting and ending readings of your odometer.
Multiple billing rates
Create a matrix of billing rates, by activity, employee, and customer, so that you can charge different rates for the same activity. For example, you can use custom billing rates to set up rate schedules based on employee seniority.
New command center
While retaining the familiar flow chart layout, the new Side Bar and additional menus, Sync and Lists, make it easier to read and navigate your company file.
Side bar
The Side Bar lets you get to recently visited places in AccountEdge. Create a Favorites list for one-click access to your most used windows.
New welcome window
You can access company file maintenance without having to open the company file, and navigate to support tools directly. The new RSS feed gives up-to-the-minute news on product updates and new releases.
New billing statement invoice type
Make it easier for your customers to see where they stand with AccountEdge’s new billing statement invoice. Four new invoices include statement details like current and ending balance and an invoice aging statement. Overdue invoices are aged as of the print date of the invoice.
Restore company file
Restore a company file without having to open it in AccountEdge first. Use the new Company File Maintenance drop-down menu in the welcome window to restore your company file.
Dropbox backup/restore
Back up online and offsite with a free Dropbox account. Former MobileMe customers may consider using Dropbox in replacement for Apple's discontinued iDisk.
Streamline your invoicing
Use the new Statements with Invoice Details to send a single monthly statement that includes the detail of each invoice. An item statement will show each item with cost, and a service or professional will show each description with cost.
Longer statement descriptions
The description fields on statements now wrap and show the entire text from memo fields.
Expanded amount in English on checks
We’ve improved how AccountEdge prints checks with amounts over $100,000 written out in English, rather than numerically.
Updated Start a New Year assistants
The Start a New Fiscal Year and Start a New Payroll Year assistants have new, easier to read layouts for better usability. You can also choose to retain or purge prior year Progress Billing information.
Progress billing
Contractors, architects, engineering firms, and others that bill by project or job can now bill as work is completed. Bill by percentage of the total quote, percentage of each line item, quantity, rate, and more and AccountEdge will manage the invoicing of the entire project from start to finish. You can even bill in excess of 100% of the original quote for overages, change orders, and expenses.
Lawyers, graphic designers, and others that need to manage retainers can create and maintain retainers the way they want to. Set up and manage retainers in AccountEdge, keep a minimum retainer balance, and add expenses to a retainer to pay bills on behalf of clients. Request replenishment, receive payments, and print custom retainer statements with a single click.
Create an invoice from a purchase
If you regularly incur expenses on behalf of your customers, kill two birds with one stone by recording a purchase for the original cost of the expense, and then automatically creating an invoice to bill your customer’s retainer account.
Updated search on select from list
We’ve heard you loud and clear and reinstated the old way of searching through lists, while keeping the “starts with” and “contains” method introduced in AccountEdge 2010. Search by any text string, or modify your search by specific field.
Sales and purchases action buttons
Frequently used functions are quickly accessed with the new action button that appears on sales and purchases windows. Click the button to open a simple drop down menu that lets you quickly use or save a recurring transaction, change exchange rates, and much more.
Increased description, note, and email message field size
No more abbreviated notes, descriptions or emails in AccountEdge. We’ve increased field sizes for descriptions, notes and email messages to 1000 characters.
Check redesign looks more like paper counterpart
AccountEdge’s check interface has been redesigned to be more in line with printed checks.
Reconciled date on account history report
Keep track of when your banking accounts were last reconciled with the new Reconciled Date field on the Account History report.