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Conversion Month

The Conversion Month is the earliest month you can record transactions in the indicated Fiscal Year. This is set when you are first creating a company file.

Selecting a Conversion Month and Fiscal Year

  1. If there is a need to enter transactions dated with specific past dates because they are not otherwise recorded elsewhere
    1. Determine the correct Fiscal Year for those transactions — the Fiscal Year date is the date of the Last Month in the Fiscal Year
    2. Indicate a Conversion Month, which will be the conversion month in that indicated Fiscal Year
      1. If you need to just enter opening balances for P&L accounts (and not the transactions), the Conversion Month must be later then the first month of the Fiscal Year or,
      2. If you need to enter transactions, the Conversion Month should be the same as the First Month of the Fiscal Year
    3. Use historical sale and purchase transactions to indicate outstanding Customer and Vendor balances that exist prior to the Conversion Month
  2. If you need to enter transactions from the beginning of the current Fiscal Year
    1. Enter the current Fiscal Year — the Fiscal Year date is the date of the Last Month in the Fiscal Year
    2. Indicate a Conversion Month that is the same as the First Month in that indicated Fiscal Year
    3. Use historical sale and purchase transactions to indicate outstanding Customer and Vendor balances that exist prior to the Conversion Month
  3. If you need to just enter opening balances for your P&L accounts, and not the transactions, in the current Fiscal Year
    1. Enter the current Fiscal Year — the Fiscal Year date is the date of the Last Month in the Fiscal Year
    2. Indicate a Conversion Month that is later than the First Month in that indicated Fiscal Year
    3. Use historical sale and purchase transactions to indicate outstanding Customer and Vendor balances that exist prior to the Conversion Month
  4. No special criteria
    1. Enter the current Fiscal Year — the Fiscal Year date is the date of the Last Month in the Fiscal Year
    2. Enter the current month as the Conversion Month
    3. Use historical sale and purchase transactions to indicate outstanding Customer and Vendor balances that exist prior to the Conversion Month


  1. The Conversion Month you select will be a month in the selected Fiscal Year. If the Last Month of the Fiscal Year is September, and the Fiscal Year is 2024, a Conversion Month of October will be October 2023.
  2. Once a company file is created, its Conversion Month cannot be changed. Changing the Fiscal Year to a year before the Conversion Month is not possible.
  3. Historical Transactions are sales and purchases created before the first day of the Conversion Month, and haven't been fully paid by the first day of the Conversion Month (balances remain to be paid). AccountEdge provides the ability to enter these transactions; no special Fiscal Year requirements need be addressed to use this feature.