Implementing and Tracking Jobs with Reimbursable Expenses
Table of Contents
AccountEdge offers the ability to create Jobs for keeping track of ongoing projects, jobs, and other profitable opportunities. Along side creating the Jobs in AccountEdge, you will also have access to extensive reports such as the Job Profit and Loss, Job Transaction history, Budget Analysis, and many more.
Creating Jobs
The first step in using the Jobs feature is to create the desired jobs in AccountEdge. To create a job:
- In AccountEdge, select Lists on the top menu bar and then select Jobs. The Jobs List window will now appear. It displays your ongoing and past Jobs, and shares similar formatting to that of your Accounts list. It has a hierarchy style list where you can create a Header Job and have sub-jobs (Detail Jobs) of that Header (Header jobs are in bold). You will also notice that it gives you a quick overview on profitability and expenses for each Job, and of consolidated jobs where Header Jobs have been used. The Budgets icon will give you detailed Budget information for each Job.
Click on the New button in the bottom left
You will see an option for a Header and Detail Job. Specify whether you are creating a Header or Detail job and fill out the necessary Job number, name, description, etc.
- Fill out the Job Details and Budget Analysis, if needed. You'll also be able to view job transaction and activity slips allocated to this job from this window.
- Then click OK.
Note: You can only post transactions to Detail jobs. Header jobs cannot have transactions posted against them.
Allocating Budgets to Jobs
- Click on Lists from the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Jobs
- Highlight a job, in this example, existing Job C100 (or click on the arrow/double-arrow next to the job)
You will see “Budgets” on the bottom left, click on this button.
You will be able to set budgets on each general ledger account (on your profit and loss report i.e. income, cost of sales and expenses) per job.
Assigning Transactions to Jobs
After creating the desired jobs, you can now start assigning/allocating those jobs to transactions.
WARNING: Jobs are useful for tracking information related to Profit and Loss accounts (income, cost of sales, and expenses) - they are not used for tracking information related to balance sheet accounts (assets, liabilities, and equity). If transactions are assigned to balance sheet accounts they will not show up job reports.
Jobs can be assigned and allocated across multiple jobs by amount or percentage, line by line in these transactions:
- Sales
- Purchases
- Activity Slips
- Spend/Receive Money
- General Journal Entries
- Payroll
- Inventory adjustments/Build Items
You will notice that when entering a sale, it will have a column for a job. Same goes for purchases, and spend/receive money transactions. The job column is always consistent in that context, so below you will see step by step instruction on how to incorporate a job into a sale and can use the same instructions when entering other types of transactions:
- Click on the Sales module and click on ‘Enter Sales’
- Fill out the necessary information to complete your sale
- If you are doing an item sale, you can enter a job per item(line item). If you are doing a service sale, you can enter a job per line as well.
Once you select the job thats associated with this sale, finish any other information that needs to be added and record the sale.
You have now recorded a typical invoice and allocated a specific job to it. If you go to your Jobs list (Lists on top menu bar > Jobs) and look at the job that you allocated on the sale, you will notice that it increased by the amount of the line item. In this case my job shows an income of $999.00.

Similarly, if you create a purchase and attach a job to it, you will see the amount appear under the expenses column.
Reimbursable Expenses
When allocating jobs during a purchase, spend money, or payroll (anything expense related) you can charge customers for the job/service you provided. For example, if you purchase materials for a specific job, you can then charge the customer for that exact amount you spent on that purchase with that job included.
NOTE: To be reimbursed for a job you need to make sure that your job has “Track Reimbursable Expenses” checked off. You also need to make sure that you have a customer linked for the specific job you are tracking reimbursables for.
Creating a Reimburseable Expense Purchase
- Enter a purchase and fill out the necessary information.
Include the job on the purchase that you will be reimbursed for.
- Record the purchase. (Note: You don’t have to pay the Bill in order to get reimbursed for it by the customer)
Once the reimbursable expense is recorded you can then move on to creating an invoice for your customer to repay you.
Recording an Invoice that Includes Reimbursable Expenses
- Create a new sale; Enter the customer that is linked to the job that you are getting reimbursed for.
On the bottom left of the invoice form click on Actions and select “Add Reimbursable Expense/Mileage." You will see the "Customer Reimbursable Expense" window appear
- Select the appropriate expense to get reimbursed for and click on the reimburse button on the bottom right of the window. In this example it would be my $21.00 purchase that we went over above. You will also need to select the reimbursement account to be used - generally this is an income account or item to be used (if this is an item invoice).
After clicking “Reimburse” you will see a line item being added to your sales invoice. It will display the name of the purchase
- Fill out the rest of the information that you need to complete the sale. After recording the sale you have now created a charge for the customer to pay you back for your previous expense.
Click here for more information on reimbursable expenses including video instructions.
Jobs Analysis and Reporting
There is a good amount of reports that are available to track your job transactions, job costing, and budgets. All of these reports can be found in the reporting index in AccountEdge.
To get to the various job reports:
- Go to Reports from the menu bar at the top of the screen and select “Index To Reports”
- If you single-click on each report, there will be a description on the right hand side which will define what information the report will display
This is the Reports Index showing all the reports available for Jobs:

Activity Detail and Job Transactions Reports
Activity Detail is a very common report used for precise information delivery. You can filter the report by account, job, and customers.
The Activity Detail & Job Transactions Reports have the following optional data fields that you can add:
- Description from Sales
- Notes from Time Billing
- Description from Purchases
- Payroll Category
Job Exceptions Reports
These reports identify transactions where Jobs have not been assigned or overlooked. This would be an important feature that you might need as part of business logistics.
Job Analysis
The Analyze Job screen can be found by going to Command Center from the menu bar at the top of the screen > Accounts > Analyze Jobs or by selecting Analysis>Jobs from the main command center window.

The purpose of this screen is for you to compare budget amounts - adjusted to percent complete, to actual. To use this feature you have to adjust the percentage complete in the upper right corner or in the job itself.
In addition, AccountEdge will display Dollar or Percentage Variance. To learn more about setting Budgets for Jobs, take a look at the “Assigning Budgets to Jobs” section under the “Creating Jobs” header above.