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MAPI32.dll Error

Error message: 'Can not load MAPI32.dll' displayed when emailing from AccountEdge (mapi32)

The most common cause of this error is a setting in Windows has been removed. This can occur when software is removed or upgraded. A tool is available that will reset the original Microsoft Windows settings, thus resolving this error.

Note: This tool was created independently and provided to Acclivity Software. Acclivity Software takes no responsibility for its use. It is strongly recommended that you contact an IT person and have them review and follow these steps.


Run the tool as follows:

  1. Click the following link (if prompted, choose to save the file to your Desktop): MAPI Fixit Tool.
    *Note: Depending on your web browser and its settings, clicking this link may automatically open the ZIP file as shown in the following step.
  2. Double-click the downloaded ZIP file to open it. The ZIP file contains a single file called CheckMAPI.VBS
  3. Double-click the CheckMAPI.VBS file to open the tool.
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to run the tool and fix the MAPI settings on your computer.

If required, you can restore your Microsoft Windows settings to the state they were before running this tool. To do this:

  1. Click the following link (if prompted, choose to save the file to your Desktop): MAPI Fixit Tool.
    *Note: Depending on your web browser and its settings, clicking this link may automatically open the ZIP file as shown in the following step.
  2. Double-click the downloaded ZIP file to open it. The ZIP file contains a single file called CheckMAPI.VBS
  3. Double-click the CheckMAPI.VBS file to open the tool.
  4. Follow the on-screen prompts to restore the backup file, thus restoring the Microsoft Windows settings.