Move/Change the AccountEdge Support Folder
Table of Contents
The first time that you open an AccountEdge Company File in a new version of the software, AccountEdge creates a Support Folder where it stores Custom Forms, Reports, Graphics, Letters, and Spreadsheet files. This support folder should be located on the machine that you are running AccountEdge from (meaning that if you are using AccountEdge Network Edition or AccountEdge Pro for Windows in a multi-user environment, each individual computer should have their own Support Folder).
The default location for this folder is created in Documents and is called AccountEdge [Your Version - Either Basic, NE, or Pro] [Your Country - CA or US]. For example - AccountEdge Pro 2016 US or AccountEdge NE 2015 CA.
Some users prefer to have their Support Folder in a networked location so that is accessible from all machines. We discourage this because it can slow down the use of the software but it is possible to do.
Move Custom Forms Folder - Mac
- Open AccountEdge and login to your Company File
- Click on the Accounts Module
- Click on the Company Data Auditor Button
Note the line that reads "Custom Forms, etc". Click on the Magnifying Glass to the right of this.
This will open a Finder window and open to the Support Folder. Click to change the view indicated in the screenshot below.
- Select your Support Folder and drag it to the desired location
- Quit AccountEdge
- Launch AccountEdge and attempt to open your Company file
- AccountEdge will ask to Browse for an existing Support Folder
- Select Browse and navigate to the Support Folder that you moved
Move Custom Forms Folder - Windows
- Open AccountEdge and login to your Company File
- Click on the AccountEdge module
Click on the Company Data Auditor button
Click on the link next to "Custom Forms, etc" - Quit AccountEdge
Click on the folder to the left of your Support Folder. In my example - it's "My Documents"
- This will open the folder with your Support Folder in it. Drag the Support Folder to the desired location
- Launch AccountEdge and attempt to open your Company File
- AccountEdge will ask to Browse for an existing Support Folder
- Select Browse and navigate to the Support Folder that you moved
Create a New Support Folder - Mac
Sometimes, when initially creating the Support Folder users may save it to an incorrect location or have trouble with accessing the Custom Forms because of the location in which the Support Folder is saved. By creating a new Support Folder we can often correct these issues.
- Open AccountEdge and login to your Company File
- Click on the Accounts Module
- Click on the Company Data Auditor Button
Note the line that reads "Custom Forms, etc". Click on the Magnifying Glass to the right of this.
This will open a Finder window and open to the Support Folder. Click to change the view indicated in the screenshot below.
- Quit AccountEdge
- Rename your support folder - for my example I would call it OLD AccountEdge Pro 2016 US
- Quit AccountEdge
- Launch AccountEdge and attempt to open your Company File
- AccountEdge will ask to Create a new Support Folder
- Create the folder
- If you need to - you can copy forms from the OLD folder to the new folder after doing this
Create a New Support Folder - Windows
Sometimes, when initially creating the Support Folder users may save it to an incorrect location or have trouble with accessing the Custom Forms because of the location in which the Support Folder is saved. By creating a new Support Folder we can often correct these issues.
- Open AccountEdge and login to your Company File
- Click on the AccountEdge module
- Click on the Company Data Auditor Button
Click on the link next to "Custom Forms, etc"
- Quit AccountEdge
Click on the folder to the left of your Support Folder. In my example - it's "My Documents"
- This will open the folder with your Support Folder in it. Rename your Support Folder - in my example it would be OLD AccountEdge Pro 2016 US.
- Launch AccountEdge and attempt to open your Company File
- AccountEdge will ask to create a new Support Folder
- Create the folder
- If you need to - you can copy forms from the OLD folder to the new folder after doing this
Delete All Support Folder Preferences and Start Over - Mac
If your Support Folder is actually your Desktop, Documents folder, or another lower level folder - renaming the folder will not actually allow you to create a new Support Folder. You need to delete a preference file that will allow you to reset everything. This will also lose the location of your last opened file - so when you open the software again you will need to Browse for your Company File.
- Open Finder
- Choose Go > Go To Folder
- Type in ~/Library/Preferences
- Delete the com.acclivity.[AccountEdgeVersion].plist file
- Restart your machine
- Launch AccountEdge
- Click Browse to point to your Company File
- AccountEdge will ask to create a new Support Folder
- Create the folder
- Copy any forms from the old folder to the new folder (which should again be in Documents and be called AccountEdge[Version][Year][Country])
Delete All Support Folder Preferences and Start Over - Windows
If your Support Folder is actually your Desktop, Documents folder, or another lower level folder - renaming the folder will not actually allow you to create a new Support Folder. You need to edit the Windows Registry to allow you to re-create your Support Folder.
Note: Users unfamiliar with the Windows registry should contact their IT professional before attempting this.
- Click Start on your computer and type "regedit" into the search box (for Windows 8 and 10 users - hit the Windows key on the keyboard and then type regedit)
- In the Registry navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Acclivity\accountEdge.[Country].[Version Number]
- Right-click on the line ASProductSpecificFolderPath and choose Delete
- Quit regedit
- Launch AccountEdge and attempt to open your Company File
- AccountEdge will ask to create a new Support Folder
- Create the folder
- Copy any forms from the old folder to the new folder (which should again be in Documents and be called AccountEdge[Version][Year][Country])